Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Will your daughter have to beg, borrow or steal?

In dowry they drown their responsibility for their daughter. Her relationships change clothes and her house forgets her childhood. A guest-in-making from her birth, she would be welcomed back for her share of festivities but anything more and Sita would become a Shroopnakha.
Why must the daughter hold a single family passport and bequeath the right to owning her own ancestral assets, movable or immovable? It's the most judgemental-answer seeking question.
Sharing toys is, and sharing wealth is not, the sweet rakhi-celebrating relationship. Mere thought can transform her parents into a khap panchayat, however illegal. The famine of any support would be a programmed progression, for the Indian society forgot to head-count their daughters.
For universal peace the norm-defying banshee must be robbed of dignity and smeared with guilt of greed till she converts into a strangulating definition of a 'sister'. 
Ironically with law in some states on her side, it's not the society norms or her own she really is up against. It's her carefully manipulated upbringing. After all it's not just her surnname she's taught to let go off.
Change is awkwardly difficult. Because before standing up for 'her', your daughters' rights, you'll have to stand up for your own. Just in case you forgot, you are a daughter too.

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